Maine’s classrooms are filled with students who have been awarded a $500 Alfond Grant for their future education.
Many children in Maine schools have an Alfond Grant, invested since birth. And the vast majority of children born as Maine residents in 2013 and later have been automatically awarded the Alfond Grant. Our deepest hope is that the program yields stronger outcomes for Maine children through the aspirational and financial benefits it provides.

Maine’s teachers work hard every day to make a positive difference in the lives of their students, Increasingly, we look to Maine educators as strong partners in our own efforts to have positive impacts on Maine students.
At the Minot Consolidated School posters in hallways and e-blurbs in newsletters make sure families know about the Alfond Grant – and Kindergarten students have fun with the activities in the Invest in ME-Kinderarten toolkits. At the Gerald E. Talbot Elementary School in Portland, students draw pictures of their future selves. And at the George Mitchell School in Waterville, parents have an opportunity at Kindergarten registration to talk with representatives of the My Alfond Grant program and even to open education savings accounts with the help of FAME (the Finance Authority of Maine).
How You Can Help
Schools and educators interested in being engaged with the MyAlfondGrant program as a way of supporting their students have many opportunities to engage with us:

- Display posters and share information video about the Alfond Grant with students and families
- Distribute materials to families (or share links to electronic materials)

All Friend activities, AND:
- Encourage families to engage with the Alfond Grant program (update contact information, create a MyPlan, follow My Alfond Grant on social media, etc) — e.g. teachers of students in preK-2 might share information during parent-teacher conferences
- Elementary or Middle School teachers commit to using one of our Aspiration Programs with students.

Gold Medal Champion
All Champion activities, AND:
- Embed supports for families to engage with the Alfond Grant program (update contact information, create a MyPlan, follow My Alfond Grant on social media, etc) – e.g. teachers of students in grades PreK-2 might help families update contact information during parent-teacher conferences
- Invite ASF and our partners at FAME (the Finance Authority of Maine) to come to your school to share information, answer questions, and help interested families open their own education savings accounts
If you’re interested in requesting materials or just getting more information, please contact us at 207-347-8638 or email [email protected].
Many Thanks to These Organizations
Thanks to our Champions:
Acadia Academy (Lewiston)
Alexander Elementary School (AOS 77)
Canal School (Westbrook)
Carrabec Community School (RSU 74)
Dayton Consolidated School
Dr. Levesque Elementary School (MSAD 33)
Dr. Lewis S Libby School (Milford)
Dresden Elementary School (RSU 2)
Earl C McGraw School (RSU 22)
East Range II School (AOS 90)
Easton Elementary School
Eastport Elementary School
Ella P Burr Elementary School (RSU 67)
Etna-Dixmont School (RSU 19)
Friendship Village School (MSAD 40)
Gerald Talbot Elementary School (Portland)
Leroy H Smith School (RSU 22)
Little Dolphin School (Westbrook)
Lubec Elementary School
Margaret Chase Smith School (Sanford)
Mill Pond School (MSAD 70)
Minot Consolidated School (RSU 16)
Molly Ockett K-8 School (MSAD 72)
Opal Myrick Elementary School (East Millinocket)
Otisfield Commuinity School (MSAD 17)
Oxford Elementary School (MSAD 17)
Paris Elementary School (MSAD 17)
Princeton Elementary School (AOS 90)
Poland Community School (RSU 16)
Union Elementary School (MSAD 40)
Walton School (Auburn)
West Bath School
Winthrop Grade School
And Special Thanks to our Gold Medal Champions!