
Print & Play: Practicing Kindness

Print & Play: Practicing Kindness

Here’s something we can all agree on: The world needs more kindness. For children, learning how to be kind to others starts at an early age – and often begins with close observation of the adults around them. How do the adults in their lives treat others? How are they treated in return? While kindness […]

Print & Play: Maine Flag Coloring Activity

Print & Play: Maine Flag Coloring Activity

Did you know that Maine may soon vote on whether or not to return to the original state flag? The 1901 Maine state flag featured a pine tree and the North star, but the state shifted to a military-style flag (the flag we all know today) in 1909. We’ve created a fun coloring page to […]

Ways to DO, SAVE, & LEARN This Winter

Ways to DO, SAVE, & LEARN This Winter

A new year is here, offering a fresh perspective on learning & saving! Parents will soon be gathering their documents for tax season, new budgets are being made, and the 2024 financials are being considered. But kids have a lot on their minds too! Many children have likely received monetary gifts over the holidays and […]

Why You Should Help Your Child Set Goals

Why You Should Help Your Child Set Goals

Setting and achieving goals is an important life skill for kids to learn. As we near the end of 2023, you’re likely thinking about your own goals – maybe you set some goals or New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year or are actively working towards achieving something right now. Setting goals and […]

Print & Play: How Do Bugs Hibernate?

Print & Play: How Do Bugs Hibernate?

Cold winter weather has arrived and if you look up at the sky, you may spot geese flying south for the winter. Looking around you, you may spot people bundled up in warm hats and mittens as they hurry to-and-from their destinations. Walking through the park or in your back yard, you may see busy […]

Print & Play: Roadtrip Activity Sheet

Print & Play: Roadtrip Activity Sheet

The holiday season has arrived and with it, road trip season! Curb the chorus of “Are we there yet” with our latest printable: a road trip activity sheet! On the printable sheet below, you’ll find a fun game of I-spy, a license plate-spotting activity, and a coloring game – enough to keep your kiddo busy […]

Print & Play: Mapping Maine’s Counties

Print & Play: Mapping Maine’s Counties

“There are 16 counties in our state: Cumberland and Franklin…” Sound familiar? If you grew up in Maine, you probably learned the Maine Counties Song in school, which means your child likely knows it too! Help them test their knowledge of Maine’s counties with our latest printable: a map of Maine’s 16 counties! Print it […]

Encouraging Your Child’s Interest in STEAM at Every Age

Encouraging Your Child’s Interest in STEAM at Every Age

Does your child love science? Are they a natural at math? Or maybe they light up around tech, like computers or cars. Maybe their artwork is plastered all over the fridge like a homespun Monet. If any of this rings true, S.T.E.A.M. may be an avenue for your child to explore for their future! You’ve […]

Print & Play: Fall Bucket List

Print & Play: Fall Bucket List

Who doesn’t love fall in Maine? Apple picking, leaf peeping, pumpkin patches… there’s just so much to do! Today, we’re celebrating the new season with a free printable fall bucket list for kids. Download it and print it out at home or from your local library, then help your child fill it out with everything […]

Screen-Free Activities to Relieve Back-to-School Blues

Screen-Free Activities to Relieve Back-to-School Blues

Back to school season can be stressful for both kids and parents. For kids, they have the anticipation of new classrooms and teachers, reuniting with friends, and the pressures of homework and extracurriculars on their minds. Parents have all this and more. Safe to say, September is a month of change for the entire family […]

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