Small steps now enable big dreams later.

Harold Alfond believed every Maine child should have an opportunity to receive higher education. The Alfond Grant will help get you started and making a saving plan will help build a strong foundation for your child’s future.

The Alfond Grant:
$500 for Maine Children

All babies born as Maine residents starting in 2013 have been automatically awarded a grant of $500 towards their future college or training expenses from the Alfond Scholarship Foundation. The Alfond Grant was also available on a more limited basis from 2008-2012. 1

Your Roadmap to a Bright Future

The $500 Alfond Grant is your child’s head start on higher education. Build on it by exploring options for your child’s future, making a savings plan and setting aside money for college. Doing so now can make all the difference for your child later. 

Learn, explore and plan for your child’s future.

It’s never too early to help your child explore and build a bright future!

Check the status of your family’s Alfond Grant.

How much is your child’s Alfond Grant worth today?

Sign Up for Electronic Delivery.

Go paperless and get your Alfond Grant Update or Quarterly Summary in your inbox!

Set aside a little money each month.

Savings for higher education can make all the difference.

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Join our email list and stay up to date on blogs, activities, resources and more from the Alfond Scholarship Foundation and the Alfond Grant!

Your Stories

How has the Alfond Grant made a difference for you and your child? We’d love to hear your stories!

I’m so proud of my granddaughter! I want to do all I can for her as she grows and learns, so I’ve also signed up to make automatic contributions to help her pay for higher education.

“What did you do at school today?” was always a topic at dinner, but the kids never really engaged. Then we decided to try TwoTruths and a Lie. We’re hearing more about what they are learning and doing and they are enjoying thinking up a creative “lie” about their school day!

News from the Alfond Scholarship Foundation

The Alfond Scholarship Foundation provides resources and information to help Maine children on their journey to higher education. What can you do to help your child make the most of their future?

Do. Save. Learn. Fall Reading List
As a parent, grandparent or caregiver, one of the best ways to support your student’s future is by teaching them about …
Print & Play: Cloud I.D. Chart
"What kind of cloud is that?" Have you ever been outside or in the car with your child and they've asked …
Print & Play: Practicing Kindness
Here's something we can all agree on: The world needs more kindness. For children, learning how to be kind to others …
Print & Play: Maine Flag Coloring Activity
Did you know that Maine may soon vote on whether or not to return to the original state flag? The 1901 …

1 The Alfond Grant is not automatic in all circumstances and is also available in limited other circumstances. The use of the Alfond Grant is also subject to certain restrictions—see Alfond Grant Guidelines.