Middle School MyPlan Teacher Resources

What is Middle School MyPlan?

Middle School MyPlan is an online tool that helps Maine students in grades 6-8 start thinking about and aspiring to bright futures. Content was developed in alignment with Maine’s Learning Results and input from many experts including Maine Department of Education, JMG, University of Maine System, Maine Community College System, 4H, and of course, the Alfond Scholarship Foundation. Activities offered through the Middle School MyPlan tool were designed to align with the Maine Learning Results.

JUMP TO SECTION: What is Middle School MyPlan?Here’s How Middle School MyPlan WorksHow to Get StartedHow to Use Middle School MyPlanHow Middle School MyPlan Aligns with Maine Learning ResultsMore Resources

Why We Need You

Maine historically has a high rate of high school graduation, but a lower rate of students continuing education after high school. Most areas of job growth in today’s and tomorrow’s economy require some education or training beyond a high school diploma. Maine students, like students everywhere, benefit from engaging in early thinking and exploration about what kind of future they want for themselves. Enter Middle School MyPlan.

A central feature of Middle School MyPlan is consistent communication between adults and students. As a teacher or advisor, you’ll be asked to support your students by verifying they’ve engaged in various activities—and more importantly—by encouraging their exploration of future opportunities and engaging them in conversations about what the future holds.

Why We Need You

Maine historically has a high rate of high school graduation, but a lower rate of students continuing education after high school. Most areas of job growth in today’s and tomorrow’s economy require some education or training beyond a high school diploma. Maine students, like students everywhere, benefit from engaging in early thinking and exploration about what kind of future they want for themselves. Enter Middle School MyPlan.

A central feature of Middle School MyPlan is consistent communication between adults and students. As a teacher or advisor, you’ll be asked to support your students by verifying they’ve engaged in various activities—and more importantly—by encouraging their exploration of future opportunities and engaging them in conversations about what the future holds.

Here’s How Middle School MyPlan Works

At its core, the Middle School MyPlan tool is a learning opportunity for students to build a foundation of knowledge and experience that will bolster their future success. Students complete tasks in the categories of DO, SAVE and LEARN that get them thinking and learning about future education and career paths.

Watch the short video to see Middle School MyPlan in action.


Activities to do at home or at school to help students explore the future


Information, resources, and fun activities to help students understand the power of saving


Great information + activities about the options for education after high school


How to Get Started

Step 1

Contact The Alfond Scholarship Foundation (ASF) and we’ll send you a link to Middle School MyPlan that you can share with your students. (By doing this, you’re giving permission for students to create an online account and profile. Don’t worry, ASF won’t share any information).

Step 2

Each student creates an account and profile and provides contact information for the adult in their life who will help them with Middle School MyPlan. If you are using this at school, you as the teacher will probably be the adult, but the student may also add a parent or other adult that wants to help them. The adult will verify that some of the activities have been completed.

Step 3

Students are ready to explore and make their first plan!


How to Use Middle School MyPlan

How Middle School MyPlan aligns with Maine’s Learning Results

Middle School MyPlan aligns with a variety of Maine Learning Results areas. Here’s how:



Are there additional resources available?

Yes! Here are some additional resources that will help your students and their families get thinking about their future:


Are there additional resources available?

Yes! Here are some additional resources that will help your students and their families get thinking about their future:

Ready to Get Started?

If you’d like to bring Middle School MyPlan to your classroom, please contact us. We’ll send you a link to share with your students—let the fun (and learning) begin!

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